Millom Town Deal

Millom Town Deal

Millom is at a turning point; an exciting time in its history when unprecedented investment in the town and its infrastructure will bring about real and tangible change; change that will make a positive difference to the lives of its residents for many years to come.

Funding confirmed for exciting Millom Town Deal regeneration projects


THE ambitious bid to deliver a once-in-a-generation financial boost to Millom has been awarded £29.3 million.

Funding for the Millom Town Deal was confirmed today, meaning four transformative projects – that will ensure the town and its communities benefit now and thrive into the future – can be delivered.

The announcement comes following the submission of business cases for each of the projects to the Department for Levelling Up, Communities and Housing in July.

The government has pledged £20.6million for the Town Deal, with a further £8.7 million coming from match funders.

Robert Morris-Eyton, Chair of the Millom Town Deal Board, said: “We are beyond delighted to learn that the Millom Town Deal has secured the funding offered by the government on a provisional basis last year.

Plans: The proposed Leisure Centre project

“A huge amount of time, dedication, energy and expertise has been required to get us to this stage and I would like to place on record my thanks, on behalf of the Town Deal Board, to everybody who played a part in the process.


“Notwithstanding the last 12 months, we are, in many respects, at the beginning of a very exciting journey for Millom and Haverigg.

“We can now move forward with each of the projects and begin the process of making them a reality.”

The funding announcement has also been welcomed by Copeland Borough Council.

Mike Starkie, the Mayor of Copeland, said: “This is a remarkable outcome for Millom and Haverigg .

“The four projects will touch on almost every aspect of life, making a positive difference now and for many years to come.

“I’m so pleased the funds have been confirmed and that we can now look towards the exciting delivery phase.

“I’d also like to take this opportunity to say a huge thank you to the businesses and organisations that have supported the Town Deal by way of match funding. Their contributions are significant and will have a real impact.”

Working with Copeland Borough Council, the Millom Town Deal Board secured a provisional offer for the funds from the Government’s £3.6 billion Towns Fund initiative last summer.

The funding was offered subject to the successful completion of a business case for each project. 

Vibrant: An artist’s impression of plans for Millom’s Town Square

The business cases, which confirm the positive impact and long lasting benefits the projects will deliver, will allow the promised money to be unlocked over the next four years. 

In addition to the government money, significant sums have been contributed by Sellafield, the NDA, Copeland Community Fund and CGP Books.

Further contributions have been made by Copeland Borough Council, Millom School and Millom Town Council.

The four projects  in the Town Deal are: 

  • The Iron Line – A proposal to transform the unique coastal lagoon into an inspiring visitor attraction which fuses ecology, heritage and art by creating an inclusive recreational route across Hodbarrow and around the sea wall.
  • Activating community health – The creation of a new, multi-purpose leisure hub to provide a range of facilities including a community swimming pool and 3G pitch. 
  • Reactivating Heritage Buildings – A proposal to significantly enhance Millom Town Centre by bringing derelict, vacant and underused heritage buildings back into active use to increase vitality and footfall.
  • Connected Millom and Haverigg – Improving Millom’s transport network to create a gateway to the town at the railway station, while transforming cycling and walking infrastructure in both Millom and Haverigg.

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