Millom Town Deal

Millom Town Deal

Millom is at a turning point; an exciting time in its history when unprecedented investment in the town and its infrastructure will bring about real and tangible change; change that will make a positive difference to the lives of its residents for many years to come.

Winning logo design for The Iron Line revealed following schools competition


A STRIKING design has been chosen as the winner of a schools competition to find a logo for a project that will enhance a unique and beautiful nature reserve as part of Millom’s multi-million pound Town Deal.

The competition for The Iron Line logo was launched in September with schools across the area invited to take part. The Iron Line project will see the coastal lagoon and sea wall become an inspirational and fully inclusive route across RSPB Hodbarrow.

The winning design was created by Jessica, a Year 8 pupil at Millom School, and features the lighthouse, a mining wheel and colours linked to the lagoon and the area’s industrial heritage.

Competition judges felt the logo was eye-catching, distinct and captured the spirit of The Iron Line project.

The winner, along with the three shortlisted entries in each age category; Key Stage 1, Key Stage 2 and Key Stages 3&4, each received a certificate and prize.

However, the task of selecting just one winner from a sea of high calibre entries had been daunting, said David Savage, a member of the Millom Town Deal board and the South Copeland Partnership, which sponsored the competition alongside the RSPB.

“The designs created by pupils from schools across the area were fantastic and of a very high standard. It made the job of selecting just one extremely difficult, particularly as we could tell that a lot of effort had gone into each and every entry,” Dave added.

“But after much deliberation the panel felt the winning entry contained very strong elements that reflected a local landmark and the history of the site in a clear and effective design.

“I would like to thank all those who created a logo for The Iron Line and also to school staff for facilitating this competition within their classes. We look forward to seeing the winning design used in the future.”

Millom and Haverigg were among 101 towns invited to bid for a share of the Government’s £3.6 billion Towns Fund in 2019 – part of the Government’s Levelling Up agenda.

Working alongside Copeland Borough Council, the Millom Town Deal Board secured an offer of £20.6 million from the fund in July for projects it identified as local priorities.

In addition to The Iron Line, three further projects are included in the successful Town

Investment Plan; Reactivating Heritage Buildings, Connected Millom and Haverigg and Activating Community Health which will incorporate a community swimming pool.

Each aims to help maximise inclusive economic growth and better connectivity for the area while developing a welcoming arts, culture and tourism offer, thriving independent businesses and healthy, active people.

A process to select a design team for The Iron Line was launched in September, attracting submissions from across the UK and internationally. The winning team will be announced in January.

The shortlisted entries in each age category are as follows:


  1. Emmy – Haverigg Primary School

  2. Ada-May – Haverigg Primary School

  3. Emmie-Mae – Haverigg Primary School


  1. Kacie – Thwaites School

  2. Elliot – Thwaites School

  3. Felicity – Haverigg Primary School


  1. Jessica – Millom School (Overall competition winner)

  2. Leah – Millom School

  3. Bell – Millom School

For more information on the Millom Town Deal Board, visit Towns Fund | Copeland Borough Council

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